Saturday, November 25, 2006

Religiously Twisted

This email goes against my policy of avoiding political or religious topics. I can't help it, this group REALLY needs to get a life!!!

First they picketed the victims of the local coal mine disaster earlier this then and then they threatened to picket the funeral of the Amish girls that were recently killed (only agreeing not to when given public air time instead).

I can't understand the mindset of people like this. Growing up just outside the Amish community (in fact, I went through Elementary School with an Amish girl who daily wore the traditional dress and hair cap of her faith). Not to judge anyone's beliefs over anothers, but, I find the Amish to be one of the most devoted faiths around. The entire population literally LIVES a pious life-rejecting most all of the modern luxuries and benefits of the last century to conform to the strict beliefs of their elders.

It was sadly tragic enough, that this community of people who made all possible attempts to avoid modern society, became a casualty of their own isolation, when their lives were suddenly international news over such a tragic event.

It doesn't matter what the politics of this hate group are, it is plain immoral to even threaten to picket the funeral of innocent Amish girls. What could they possibly plan as an encore, planting a car-bomb on Sesame Street?

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